Shamanic Soul Retrieval
What happens during a Soul Retrieval?
In my Sessions before I do the Soul Retrieval I begin by calling in the helping spirits and honoring the sacred directions. Often I will see visions of the magic and strengths that the individuals soul works with. I then perform a limpia or egg cleansing, The egg is run over the body and lifts out heavy energy. At this time I receive intuition about the emotional state of the person and which emotions are weighing heavily on them, and at times medical intuitive information may be revealed.
Then cleansing continues with sacred herbs and floral waters. The egg is also cracked in a glass of water and it shows me where a person may have blocked energy or things that can be effecting the Physical, Mental or spiritual energy field.
After the cleansing is complete, the soul retrieval session will begin. I journey on behalf of the client into the lower world and meet with my helping spirits, and I will be led to the soul parts that are ready to be returned at this time. I also may bring a power animal spirit that will infuse the person with a spiritual vitamin or power. The soul parts and power animal are then delivered by blowing it into the top of the head and also into the heart. Then it is sealed off with a rattle and the session is finished with some Reiki energy work and sometimes extraction type work is performed.
What happens after a Soul Retrieval?
The effects of having a soul retrieval done are unique for everyone, but one common thing is that they feel more whole and complete within themselves. You may experience a lightness of your being, an expansiveness or feel more at peace within yourself, or some combination of these. When these wounded parts of ourselves are healed, we become more whole and complete overall, and it can have dramatic positive affects in our lives.
For more information or to schedule an appointment with me, please visit my Contact Page